Sosis Solo

Sosis solo ini isian snack box pesanan rutin bu Fenny beserta bolu kukus ketan hitam.
Resepnya pakai resep Pak Sahak. Berikut resepnya :

Sosis Solo
Sumber: Sahak Pribadi

Bahan kulit:
300 gr terigu
4 butir telur
30 gr margarine dicairkan
1 sdt garam
1 sdm gula pasir
400 cc santan cair (kurang lebih)

Bahan isi:
300 gr ayam giling (aku pakai daging giling)
2 bh bawang merah dihaluskan
1 bh bawang putih dihaluskan
1/2 sdt merica
2 sdm gula pasir
1 sdt garam
2 buah kaldu blok
1 sdm margarine untuk menumis
100 cc santan

Penyelesaian :
2 butir telur, kocok lepas
minyak goreng secukupnya

Cara membuat :
Kulit :
  • campur telur, tepung, garam dan gula, aduk sampai rata
  • masukkan santan sambil diaduk sampai halus
  • tuang mentega cair lalu aduk sampai licin (kalau perlu disaring)
  • dadar sampai habis.
Isi :
  • Tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih sampai harum
  • masukkan daging giling, masukkan merica halus, garam, gula dan santan, lalu masak sampai matang mengering, angkat, sisihkan.
Penyelesaian :
  • Ambil selembar dadar, isi dengan adonan isi 1 sdm, lalu gulung
  • simpan dalam lemari es kurang lebih 1 jam
  • celupkan sosis ke dalam kocokan telur lalu goreng sampai matang.

English Version

Sosis Solo - Stuffed Crepes
Source: Sahak Pribadi

Ingredients crepes:
300 gr wheat flour
4 eggs
30 gr Margarine melted
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
400 cc thin coconut milk (approximately)

Filling :
300 gr minced chicken (I use minced meat)
2 pcs onion mashed
1 pcs garlic mashed
1/2 tsp pepper
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
2 block beef/chicken broth
1 tbsp Margarine for frying
100 cc coconut milk

2 eggs, shake loose
vegetable oil

How to:
Crepes :
Mixed eggs, flour, salt and sugar, the coconut milk, butter, stirred until smooth (filtered if necessary) . Heat a frying pan and bake 28 thine omelettes.

Heat in a wok the oil and fry onion and garlic until fragrant, mix in the meat together with pepper, salt, sugar and coconut milk, cook until dry.

Preparation Sosis:
fill each crepe with the filling (1 tbsp) and roll it up.
Store the sosis in the refrigerator approximately 1 hour.
Set the sosis to the eggs, fry in hot oil until cooked. Serve it with a spicy sambal.

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